Thursday, July 30, 2015

How to overcome snoring now !

#1 Encourage your partner to go to bed earlier. Whether you whip up a nice batch of chamomile tea after dinner or play some relaxing music; going to bed on time can significantly help your partner from snoring. This is easier said than done because many times people develop bad sleeping patterns such as: staying up late watching TV, smoking or drinking before bed, or simply setting their bedtime too late! Encourage your partner to sleep on time, as you will both benefit from less sleep deprivation!

#2 Exercise and eat healthier. Did you know that a person who is in shape and eats right is less likely to snore by over 60%? If you or your partner cook healthy foods for dinner regularly you will not only benefit your health, but your quality of sleep as well! See, eating right and exercising has many perks that carry all the way into the bedroom!

#3 Avoid allowing your partner smoke or drink before bed. Contrary to popular belief, "Nightcaps" can increase sleep deprivation and snoring. Alcoholic beverages before bed can harm the muscles in the airway and increase your chances of snoring. Also, smoking can cause dryness of the throat and increase chances of snoring as well. However, we do encourage drinking water or other hydrating beverages before bedtime as they help decrease snoring.

#4 Help your partner ease congestion. Your partner might be snoring because of congestion caused by dust mites or other allergens. Be sure to clean your sheets and pillow cases regularly. If that doesn't help, you may want to consider purchasing a humidifier as well, because it will help you breathe better at night, thus reducing your chances of snoring. “Sleep Methods”, such as having a cold fan or air conditioner in front of your face as you sleep can increase snoring as they can increase allergen exposure.

#5 Try encouraging your partner to sleep on his/her side. Lying on your back as you sleep can increase snoring, because your tongue may collapse to the back upper wall of your throat; ultimately causing you to snore. See if your partner snores less if they sleep on their side and be sure to purchase a pillow for "side sleepers". Finding the right pillow that’s best for your partner can help open their air passages and significantly reduce snoring.

#6 Get your significant other an anti-snoring mouthpiece. There are many anti-snoring products on the market: Nasal strips, chin straps, breathing machines, and anti-snoring mouthpieces. Always check with your doctor when choosing an anti-snoring device but it should be noted that some products do not require a prescription or a Doctor’s approval. There are dozens of mouthpieces on the market and many simply do not work or they are excessively expensive.

#7 If all else fails, simply purchase this product right now  and enjoy your relationship. If you still haven't found a way to rid your partner of that annoying snoring problem, seek help from your physician. Sleep deprivation is a serious health risk and should not be taken lightly. You and your partner are at risk if problem snoring is causing serious sleep deprivation. Getting a sound sleep every night is essential to your overall well-being and we hope these tips provide you with the rest you deserve!

Statistics on snoring around the globe.